The Brubaker Family
God has blessed us with a young and growing family. Our children are all close in age and we are thankful for that. Children are truly treasures from the Lord and we are grateful for each one!
Traveling and serving together as a family is very important to us and we try to always conduct our ministry in this fashion as much as possible. When not traveling in itinerate evangelism, we lead local evangelism at our home church.
A Short History
- April 11, 1989Dan born in Harrisburg, PA
- June 11, 1990Liz born in Hickory, NC
- June 13, 2003Dan surrendered to serve in full-time ministry
- August, 2008Dan & Liz met for the first time in Bible college
- January, 2012Dan began itinerate evangelistic ministry
- March, 2012First revival meeting
- May 4, 2012Dan & Liz graduated from Bible College
- May 11, 2012Dan & Liz were married
- October 7, 2012Dan's ordination
- July 18, 2013Chloe Brubaker was born
- September 2, 2014Sarah Brubaker was born
- Fall, 2015Dan became the Staff Evangelist at Servant's Heart Camp
- December 16, 2015Uriah Brubaker was born
- Winter, 2015Dan started Brubaker Design Services
- April 15, 2016Purchased truck and trailer
- August 30, 2017Samuel Brubaker was born
- March 21, 2019Elijah Brubaker was born
Dan was raised just north of Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, and trusted Christ as his Savior at an early age. While attending Servant’s Heart Camp as a teenager in 2003, God worked in a unique way in Dan’s life. During that week of camp, Dan became certain of God’s calling upon his life for the ministry and he surrendered to follow the Lord’s will. Before the week had ended, God began to burden Dan for the ministry of itinerate evangelism. With the passing of his teenage years, God continuously brought circumstances into Dan’s life to point him toward this future ministry. He finished high school in 2007 and enrolled in the evangelist course at Ambassador Baptist College. During his training at ABC, the Lord provided him with various opportunities to travel for the school and minister in local churches. Dan met Elizabeth in college at the beginning of his sophomore year and they were married shortly after graduation in 2012. Since that time, he and his wife have been serving the Lord in evangelism. In addition to revival and evangelistic ministries, Dan serves in various ways in his home church and as Staff Evangelist at Servant’s Heart Camp.
Interests: Preaching, traveling, world missions, world cultures, web development, computer programming, graphic design, big farm machines, farm technology, hunting, hiking, skiing, flying, guns, gardening, WWII history, ancient history, theology books, peanut butterElizabeth
Elizabeth Townsend accepted God’s plan of salvation around the age of four. She spent her childhood in Hickory, North Carolina, where her family faithfully served in the regular activities of their church. Various ministries such as nursing home visits and soul-winning became a part of her normal life. She began music training at the age of eight, and, by the age of eleven, she was involved in piano, violin, and voice lessons. During a missions conference in 2001, she surrendered her life for God’s service. In November, 2004, God called her father to be the pastor of Calvary Bible Church in Stratton, Maine. After serving with her family in Maine for several years, she followed God’s leading to begin music training at Ambassador Baptist College in the fall of 2008. She graduated with a degree in sacred music and married Dan Brubaker in 2012. The majority of her time is spent taking care of the needs of her family, but she seeks to be used of the Lord in the ministry wherever possible.
Interests: Singing, playing piano and violin, music theory, children, crocheting, sewing, gardening, baking, history, strawberries
Our Church

Faith Bible Church
An Independent Fundamental Baptist church in Mount Joy, PA
I have had the privilege of knowing Dan and Elizabeth Brubaker for many years now. They have a desire to serve the Lord and a tender heart that is ready and willing to follow His leadership. Dan has a passion to preach The Word and to see that Word be alive and working in the hearts of the hearers. If you want a preacher that has a heart for the Lord and a passion to give out God’s Word, Dan Brubaker will be a blessing to you!