God has been so good during our time here in Maine! He has blessed each of our meetings and we have been encouraged all along the way. Our revival meetings in Stratton were a special time with friends and family! (Elizabeth’s father is the pastor in Stratton.) Some of the church men work taxing schedules at the local lumber mill, yet the people were faithful to the meetings and the Lord worked in hearts. Being able to spend time with family again was such a blessing!
We traveled from Stratton to Lee to serve at the annual Men’s Retreat held there. God blessed and gave me the messages to preach. It was encouraging to meet some new pastors and spend more time with the many friends that we have up in this area.
After we finish Sunday services in Lee, we will be traveling about seven hours to Southington, CT. The Lord has opened a door to preach in the Monday morning chapel service at New England Baptist College. We will be recruiting students for summer staff positions at SHC while we are there.
Thank you for praying for us! God is blessing and we are thrilled to be out on the road serving in these meetings that the Lord has provided.
Praises & Prayer Requests
Please pray for…
- our 7-hour trip to CT on Sunday night