The Lord gave us another wonderful summer of ministry at Servant’s Heart Camp! We were so blessed to be able to make it through the entire summer without having to shut down camp because of a coronavirus outbreak or government regulations. We praise the Lord!! This year we were able to make some exciting new additions to the camp property. We were able to add a zip-line and some beautiful landscaping to welcome campers onto the property. I preached for Teen Camp 4 and we saw God work in special ways.
Fall Travels
Our schedule has been quite different this Fall from other years for various reasons. We will share some of those details soon, but God’s plan is perfect and we are rejoicing in His flawless timing. Like other evangelists, we have had more cancellations this year than ever before. God is using it all to show us His loving care for our family in new ways!
Main Street Baptist Church
After late summer camp retreats were finished, Uriah, Samuel, and I made a quick trip up to Harbor Springs, Michigan, to be with Pastor Terry Morse and his church. It was a special time getting to know Pastor Terry and the church folks. He had diverse ministry experience to share with me and the people soaked up the preaching.
Hope For America Crusade
Years ago the Lord burdened Evangelist Chris Miller to conduct an area-wide evangelistic effort in Altoona, PA. He asked us to be a part of the crusade and we were excited to join the team and be involved in the outreach. Many people put hundreds of hours into preparing for this event and the Lord blessed in amazing ways!
My two main responsibilities were the website and the Children’s Crusade.
It was such a wonderful thing to be preaching the Gospel (literally) for a whole week! Much of our ministry is typically revival work throughout the year, but the Hope For America Crusade was packed with opportunities to proclaim the Good News. There was afternoon soul winning for the area churches and preaching for the Children’s Crusade at night!
It was thrilling to see children saved almost every night of the crusade! I am always concerned that personal workers are careful to make sure that the child understands his need for salvation and what it means to trust Christ. Children respond during invitations for all sorts of reasons and it can be difficult to identify the ones who are really seeking the Lord. (For example, one child responded to ask if the hoverboard prize had a bluetooth connection! 😄 ) I was encouraged that my Children’s Crusade workers gave good reports of their counseling opportunities and I felt that there were many solid decisions during the week. Parents were informed of responses and decision cards are being assigned to the area churches for followup.
The Lord used the Hope For America Crusade in some special ways in my own life. He revealed to me many practical ministry lessons and gave me a new vision for future ministry endeavors! I am delighted to see Him continue to lead my family in ministry, souls saved, and a fire rekindled in the hearts of God’s people to serve the Lord! Christians, it’s time to go on the offensive.
Riverview Bible Church
Please pray with us this week as we minister in Bellaire, Ohio. There has been good evidence of the Lord working in hearts!