November has proved to be another busy month! The T-shirt weather is over. I am typically one who likes the summer weather best, but I am really enjoying the colder temperatures.
Chloe is beginning to venture into the realm of upright mobility. Every time she stands to her feet she expects praise and clapping… That little ego will certainly need some training in the future, but for now, she brings MANY smiles to those around her.
Sarah is beginning to respond with smiles of her own! She is really putting on the pounds and is quickly growing love-handles all over.
Liz has been busy with several sewing projects lately, and I have commenced the designing of a new website for my home church on my spare time.
We had a fabulous Appreciation Banquet with our teens a few weeks back! It is a time each year for our teenagers to show their appreciation to the older folks in our church. Much work went into the event and it turned out to be a great blessing. The time of testimonies was particularly special.
We have finished up November with a trip to Maine to spend time with family over Thanksgiving. Our travel plans turned out to be different than what we anticipated due to the latest winter storm. That evening, we hurried home from Bible classes, tossed our belongings into the car, and skedaddled northward with the storm not too far behind. We drove through the night and arrived about 11:30 the next morning. The sight of Chloe’s bug-eyed and bewildered face at various points along the trip was worth it all!