What does the future hold? I don’t know, but I know One who knows it all!
One thing that I am confident in is that God wants to do some neat things with our ministry soon. Our desire for the Lord to move us closer to full-time evangelism has been increasing immensely as the beginning months of 2015 have passed. This is partly due to the fact that we absolutely love the ministry that God has placed us in and also due to some specific answers to prayer in the last few months.
It seems clear that God is moving our ministry forward, but He has not given any definite direction as to how He is moving us forward. We have no doubt that His end purpose in His recent workings is full-time evangelism, but it is uncertain from our perspective what His next steps are for us to take within that purpose. We are trusting that the Lord will do some impossible things soon.
For various reasons, September of this year presents somewhat of a deadline. God is certainly not limited to our schedules and a human’s perspective is quite restricted, but it would seem as though several of our needs would have to be supplied by September for us to be able to take a big step closer to full-time evangelism.
Please pray with us for God’s perfect will!